Megan Mantz is a counselor through the Commonwealth Educational Opportunity Center of Morehead State University. She can help you navigate the necessary documents for admissions, scholarships, grants, student loans, and other forms of financial aid. In addition, she can provide academic and career counseling and educational support services along with referrals to other programs to help you have your individual needs met. Another common issue she assists with is student loan default resolution. Megan visits the Greenup Learning Center on a regular basis, so feel free to contact her and let her know that you are interested in meeting with her. She is here to help you and her services are free! Megan can be contacted by phone or email.
Visit the website for more information about the program! www.moreheadstate.edu/ceoc/
Visit the website for more information about the program! www.moreheadstate.edu/ceoc/